David A. Kronick Travelling Fellowship
David A. Kronick Travelling Fellowship
Medical Library Association
225 W Wacker Dr., Ste. 650
Chicago, IL 60606-1210
Phone Number
Level of Study -
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Award Type -
To cover the expenses involved in traveling to three or more medical libraries in the United States or Canada.
Focus -
Health care services; Management.
Qualifications -
Applicant must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or have permanent residence status; member of the Medical Library Association; must have a graduate degree in library science; must be a practicing health sciences librarian with at least five years of professional experience.
Selection will be based on merits and quality of materials submitted including originality and relevance.
Amount -
Award Duration -
Number of Recipients -
To Apply
Application form are available at the website; must prepare a resume/curriculum vitae; names of three references not related to the applicant; and a proposal containing: title, goals, objectives, methodology, significance and budget of project. Nine copies of completed application and supporting documents should be provided.
Deadline -
December 1.
Contact -
Email: awards@mail.mlahq.org; URL: www.mlanet.org/page/david-a.-kronick-traveling-fellowship.
For more information