E.E. Williams Research Grant
E.E. Williams Research Grant
Herpetologists League
PO Box 4022
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone Number
Level of Study -
Graduate Degree
Award Type -
To support the research of graduate students.
Focus -
Biology; Herpetology.
Qualifications -
Applicants must be members in good standing of The Herpetologists' League; must be MS or PhD candidates, registered and in good standing in a degree-granting program; project must be original work, authored and conducted by the applicants. Projects that are already fully supported by other sources are not eligible.
Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Amount -
Award Duration -
Number of Recipients -
To Apply
Application forms can be obtained at the website. Proposals must be maximum 1, 200 words, double spaced, with 12 pt. font and one inch margins. Name the file with applicants' name and category. Applicants must include the cover page, available at the website, a detailed budget, as well as sources, and amounts of current and pending support. Applicants must clearly designate the proposal category on the cover page. Arrange in advance for one letter of support to be sent separately by the supporter. Include a two-page CV that includes telephone, email and mailing addresses. Send complete application as a single PDF electronically to Ann Paterson.
Deadline -
December 15.
Contact -
Ann Paterson at apaterson@williamsbu.edu.
For more information