AATS/STS Cardiothoracic Ethics Forum Scholarships
AATS/STS Cardiothoracic Ethics Forum Scholarships
American Association for Thoracic Surgery
800 Cummings Ctr., Ste. 350-V
Beverly, MA 01915
Phone Number
Level of Study -
Professional Development
Award Type -
To support CT surgeons who are interested in biomedical ethics and show promise of providing leadership for the continuing development and flourishing of ethics education for CT surgery.
Focus -
Health sciences; Surgery.
Selection will be based on the committee criteria.
Number of Recipients -
To Apply
Application must curriculum vitae or résumé that displays evidence of scholarly activity and leadership roles; proposed plan of study (no longer than 500 words) that clearly states the educational insights and benefits that the scholarship will provide for the applicant's professional career and for CT surgery as a specialty.
Deadline -
December 1.
Contact -
Robert M. Sade, MD; Email: sader@musc.edu.
For more information