College Scholarships

College Scholarships

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Getty Foundation Library Research Grants

October 15
$1,000 - $2,500 - $4,000

Getty Foundation Library Research Grants

Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Ctr. Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Phone Number

Level of Study -
Professional Development

Award Type -

To provide partial, short-term support for costs relating to travel and living expenses to scholars whose research requires use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute; A Library Research Grant is not a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Research Library.
Focus -
Library and archival sciences.
Qualifications -
Applicants must be scholars of all nationalities and at any level who demonstrate a compelling need to use materials housed in the research library, and whose place of residence is more than eighty miles from the Getty center.
Amount -
Award Duration -
Annual; six weeks to two months .
To Apply
Applicants will be required to complete and submit the online Getty library research grant application form which includes uploading a project proposal; curriculum vitae; selected bibliography of Getty research library collections you wish to consult; and proposed estimated travel costs; must have two confidential letters of recommendation forwarded by their recommenders via e-mail to the Getty foundation; recommenders should attach a scanned original letter to the e-mail or may provide the recommendation in the body of the email; in all cases, confidential come directly from the recommender's e-mail account and must clearly indicate the applicant's name and "library research grant" in the subject line, and include the recommender's name and title.
Deadline -
October 15.

Contact -
Library Research Grants; Phone: 310-440-7374; Email:; URL: esidential/library_research_grants.html.
For more information

Number of Recipients:
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