IADR John Clarkson Fellowship
IADR John Clarkson Fellowship
International Association for Dental Research
1619 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-3406
Phone Number
Level of Study -
Professional Development
Award Type -
To allow investigators in the field of public dental health to obtain training and experience at a center of excellence.
Focus -
Qualifications -
Applicants must hold a degree in dentistry or in a scientific discipline (dental, masters, or PhD degrees), and be member of IADR and actively engaged in research in public dental health.
Recipients will be selected based on merit.
Amount -
Award Duration -
Number of Recipients -
To Apply
Applications should be made individually and should include the following details: name, address, current place of work, and position; IADR Division/Section membership; full curriculum vitae and reprints of three relevant publications; references from two recognized scientists and the principal Dean/Chair of the institution where the applicant is employed; and an outline (3 pages maximum, single-spaced) by the applicant describing how their experience and interests qualify them as a candidate for the Fellowship, including: detailed description of the subject areas to be covered in the training program; practical use to which the training acquired would be put, proposed duration and dates of the fellowship; institutes and country it is proposed to visit; reasons for selection of particular institutes(s); previous Fellowships/awards; and detailed budget for program. Applications are sent electronically.
Deadline -
October 4.
Contact -
Anthony Jones; Awards, Fellowships and Grants Coordinator; ajones@iadr.org.
For more information