IADR Norton Ross Fellowship
The IADR Norton Ross Fellowship is a program offered by the International Association for Dental Research to provide dental or postgraduate students the opportunity for specialized training and experience in dental or related research. This fellowship aims to advance the field of dentistry by supporting the education and professional development of future researchers.
Key Details:
- Organization: International Association for Dental Research
- Address: 1619 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3406
- Phone Number: (703) 548-0066
- Email: memberservice@iadr.org, research@iadr.org
- Level of Study: Professional Development
- Award Type: Fellowship
- Purpose: To offer dental or postgraduate students the opportunity to gain specialized training and experience in dental or related research.
- Focus: Dentistry
- Applicants must be registered in an accredited or acceptable dental school or in a recognized formal postgraduate program.
- They may have a college or advanced degree in a discipline other than dentistry.
- Candidates must be members of the IADR.
- Recipients are selected based on merit, presumably encompassing both academic excellence and the potential impact of their proposed research.
- The fellowship award amount is $2,800.
Award Duration:
- The fellowship is awarded in even-numbered years.
Number of Recipients:
- One recipient will be selected.
To Apply:
- Applicants must submit a proposal directly to their IADR division.
- The proposal should outline:
- Precise title of the subject to be studied
- Detailed description of the subjects to be covered in the training program
- Practical use to which the acquired training will be put
- Proposed duration and dates of the fellowship
- Institute(s) and country it is proposed to visit
- Reasons for choosing particular institute(s)
- Previous fellowships or awards received
- Budget for the program
- The application deadline is October 4.
- Anthony Jones, Awards, Fellowships and Grants Coordinator, ajones@iadr.org
For More Information:
The IADR Norton Ross Fellowship provides students with financial support and an invaluable opportunity to advance their research skills, thus contributing to the advancement of the field of dentistry. It also offers a platform for academic and professional development, including networking opportunities within the IADR community.