NWRA Research Grants
NWRA Research Grants
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
8400 Normandale Lake Dr., Ste. 920
Bloomington, MN 55437
Phone Number
Level of Study -
Professional Development
Award Type -
To support research projects in the field of wildlife rehabilitation.
Focus -
Wildlife conservation, management, and science.
Qualifications -
Research should focus on improving animal care; assessing wildlife health; developing new technology for wildlife care in captivity; or develop new, or evaluating current, techniques used in wildlife education.
Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Amount -
Award Duration -
To Apply
Applicants must be pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal; please use 12-pt single spaced type of a standard font, with non-tiny page margins, saved in a common format such as doc, docx, or pdf. Pre-proposals do not need to be excessively long; please do not exceed 2 pages, exclusive of appendices; to submit a Pre-Proposal: send the completed pre-proposal and any supporting materials to research@nwrawildlife.org by October 15, 2021. Invitations to submit a full proposal will be returned by November 15, 2021; Title: less than 100 characters; the title must clearly describe the project; applicant(s) information: Name, affiliation, mailing address, email, telephone number for the project leader. Names and affiliations of additional authors.
Deadline -
November 15.
Contact -
For more information